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Below is a selection of shots taken at our recent annual 2024 Show'N'Shine of some of the great BMWs our members own.

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2024 Show'N'Shine

Forty members and partners picnicked under the shade of the peppermint trees at Manners Hill Park in Peppermint Grove on a mild but sunny day in November and brought 18 BMWs (and one Land Rover) along for the day. Ten of the BMWs were spruced up sufficiently to submit to the eagle eyes of the three judges while nervous owners hovered nearby.

Judging was split into 3 categories - engine bays, interiors and exteriors, with a judge for each category,  and marks were awarded based on how good a job owners had done in preparing the cars for the show.

The judges were unanimous in their view that the judging task was extremely difficult this year and that all the BMWs were presented in excellent condition for display. Owners who had presented cars in the past obviously benefited from that experience by scoring better than previously while novice presenters learned valuable lessons for the next time. Nevertheless the judges were adamant that collectively it was the best-presented display of Club BMWs ever. Well done to all.

One of the lessons learned was that the presence of a Club Badge somewhere on the car was enough to earn a 'free' 15 points from the judges and, while this fact was known and pointed out on the pre-circulated Assessment Form, not all owners had responded. Ultimately, the total scores and thence the placings on the day were affected by the presence or absence of a Club Badge.

The ultimate theoretical top score is 150 points and the highest actual score ever seen was 148 points, scored by Kelvin Boult for the presentation of his 2004 BMW 320Ci coupe, BEEMA 3. Given that Kelvin and his partner Pat Hayes drive to the event from Busselton, it is amazing how good the car is.

The oldest car judged (1988) was the M635 CSi seen above and the youngest two were from 2018, with a spread from the 90s and the early 2000s.

The detailed breakdown of the scores and cars is on a spreadsheet in the Documents page of the Members section of this website.

The prizes were presented by A/President Andrew Ford to all the entrants and the entry fees charged for the Show'N'Shine were donated to the Club's regular charity, the Royal Flying Doctor Service.


Sheer Driving Club Pleasure

© BMW Club WA (Inc) 2025

Official BMW Club

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