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  • Saturday Night at the Movies

Saturday Night at the Movies

  • 05 Aug 2023
  • 11:00 AM
  • 06 Aug 2023
  • 5:00 PM
  • Koorda, WA

I bet you've been to the drive-in before, but not many have been to the Koorda Drive-in, especially on a Saturday night to watch a family double feature. Now is your chance.

Koorda is about 230 km from Perth, so this is a weekend event, driving up to Koorda on Saturday, watching the movies and staying overnight, then touring the district and enjoying the attractions before driving home on Sunday.

Starting from Stirling Square in Guildford around 11.00 am, our route will take us through Toodyay (for lunch maybe) then on to Goomalling, Dowerin and possibly Wyalkatchem before arriving at Koorda to find our accommodation and have an early dinner at the Koorda pub and off to the drive-in.

The movies that will be on the big screen will be known well before we head off to Koorda, and the accommodation details will be clarified by our event organisers in plenty of time for you to book your attendance, but an early expression of interest will help the organisers to plan and may 'guarantee' you a bed for the night (Koorda isn't a big town and accommodation may be limited).

So, if you're looking for a nice long drive in your BMW in the country and a bit of an adventure at the end of it, then express your interest by replying to the Event Email, that will go out shortly.

Sheer Driving Club Pleasure

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