Our traditional Club Show'N'Shine, held on the banks of the Swan in Peppermint Grove as a car display and club picnic. Classic and special edition cars will be most welcome. Prizes from BMW Group Australia are awarded to the best-kept BMWs in a range of classes.
Westcoast BMW will be participating with a display and will be available to give advice on any issues you have with your pride and joy.
Bring your own picnic goodies or use the nearby cafe as back-up for a picnic under the shade of the peppermint trees in the park.
The following link takes you to a great short film made by AJ Film and Photography of some of the BMWs on display at previous events: https://www.facebook.com/ajfilmandphotography/videos .
The slide show on the Home Page also shows some of the fine machinery we displayed last year. Yours could be among them this year.
Please Register for the event if you are attending and bringing your BMW to display and also let us know if you're entering a BMW for the judging.
© BMW Club WA (Inc) 2025
Official BMW Club